can you write one of your favourite songs? 2024.

hello girls. how are you doing??

for sur you miss me

(hhhhhhh (self confidence

i wana ask you a request

tell me honey about your favourite song in enghlish

and if you can writ it do for me


i’m waiting

dear i don,t like music if u want i can write a short poem ………..You are my best friend,
My very best friend,
You make me happy,
You share your great snacks,
You share your best toys,
So please don’t take
My best friend away

it is children, s poem

so hard
مغربيه ياقلبي مع احترامي لكل البنات بعضهن مايعرفن انجليزي ياقلبي كتبي بالعربي بعد الانجليزي المهم

انا بقلك اغنيتي

ثانيه بس اكتبها

انا اغنيتي التايتنك وهلق بدي اكتبها

Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you,
That is how I know you go on

Far across the distance
And spaces between us
You have come to show you go on

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you’re here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime
And never let go till we’re gone

Love was when I loved you
One true time I hold to
In my life we’ll always go on

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you’re here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

You’re here, there’s nothing I fear,
And I know that my heart will go on
We’ll stay forever this way
You are safe in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

ولو في خطأ املائي اعذريني لنه صراحه وايد مستعجله

thanks a lot dears


|~|ْHow to Write a Compare "Contrast Essay |~|ْ 2024.

How to Write a Compare/Contrast Essay

Compare and contrast essays are the other big essay types in academic writing. These essays will follow a specific question and are fairly easy to complete. There are several ways to write this type of essay. The most important thing to remember is structure. Many wonderful essays fall victim to the woes of bad structure, making any ingenuity to fall by the wayside. Go over the rules on how to write a general essay, and then structure your compare/contrast essay in one of the following two formats:

  1. Introduction

  1. Your introduction — like the five-paragraph-essay, should open generally (with a quotation, anecdote, generalization), and lead into the thesis statement.

  2. Topic 1

    This next portion of your essay (which may consist of one paragraph or several) should cover only the first topic of the comparison and contrast. Compare/Contrast essays take two topics and illustrate how they are similar and dissimilar. Do not mention topic 2 in this first portion.

  3. Topic 2

    This next portion of your essay (which may also consist of one or more paragraphs) should cover the second of the two topics. Do not discuss Topic 1 in this section. Since you have already gone into great detail about it, you may allude to Topic 1 briefly; however, do not analyze Topic 1 in this section. This portion of the paper is to discuss Topic 2 in great detail.

  4. Topics 1 and 2 Together

    Now that you have analyzed both Topic 1 and Topic 2 independently, now it is time to analyze them together. This section may also be one or several paragraphs.

  5. Conclusion

    The conclusion — like the introduction — should be a generalization of the thesis. This paragraph should express your certainty and absolute knowledge on the subject matter. You should reaffirm your thesis (essentially restate it in new words) and show how you’ve proven it.

  1. Introduction

  1. Your introduction — like the five-paragraph-essay, should open generally (with a quotation, anecdote, generalization), and lead into the thesis statement.

  2. All Comparisons (Topics 1 and 2)

    This section — which should consists of several paragraphs — should go through all similarities you find in the two topics on which you are writing. There should be at least three comparisons (essentially three short body paragraphs) in which you give an example from both topics of comparisons in each.

  3. All Contrasts (Topics 1 and 2)

    This section — which should consist of several paragraphs — should go through all differences you find in the two topics on which you are writing. There should be at least three contrasts (essentially three short body paragraphs) in which you give an example from both topics of comparisons in each.

  4. Conclusion

    This conclusion is wrapping up everything you have just proven in your paper. It should restate the thesis in a new, more official way, and you should feel quite confident in your writing.

Here is a quick breakdown on how the Compare-Contrast Essay should appear:
  • Type A:
    • <LI type=1>
      Paragraph 1: Introduction (with Thesis)

    • <LI type=1>

      Paragraph 2: Topic 1 (Comparison a)

      <LI type=1>

      Paragraph 3: Topic 1 (Comparison b)

      <LI type=1>

      Paragraph 4: Topic 1 (Comparison c)

      <LI type=1>

      Paragraph 5: Topic 2 (Contrast a)

      <LI type=1>

      Paragraph 6: Topic 2 (Contrast b)

      <LI type=1>

      Paragraph 7: Topic 2 (Contrast c)

      <LI type=1>

      Paragraph 8: (Optional) — Comparisons/Contrasts together (any topic)

    • Paragraph 8: Conclusion

  • Type B:
    • <LI type=1>
      Paragraph 1: Introduction (with Thesis)

    • <LI type=1>

      Paragraph 2: Comparison a (Topic 1&2)

      <LI type=1>

      Paragraph 3: Comparison b (Topic 1&2)

      <LI type=1>

      Paragraph 4: Comparison c (Topic 1&2)

      <LI type=1>

      Paragraph 5: Contrast a (Topic 1&2)

      <LI type=1>

      Paragraph 6: Contrast b (Topic 1&2)
    • Paragraph 7: Contrast c (Topic 1&2)
    • Paragraph 8: Conclusion

thanks for your efforts

[§©][ How To write an English Formal Email ][§©] 2024.


يتواصل الناس باستخدام البريد الإلكتروني لأسباب عديدة ومختلفة. فيمكن استخدامه لارسال إجابات بكلمة واحدة ، وثائق رسمية أو حتى النكت.
طريقة كتابة البريد الالكتروني الخاص بك يعتمد على مدى معرفتك بالشخص المرسل اليه فالناس في كثير من الأحيان يكتبون رسائل البريد الإلكتروني بنفس الطريقة التي يتحدثون بها بحيث يكون عادة أقل رسمية، لكن إذا كان موجها الى هيئة رسمية لطلب عمل مثلا أوكنت عاملا بشركة أجنبية تتواصل بين عمالها عن طريق الرسائل الإليكترونية ( Outlook ) وجب عليك كتابتها بطريقة رسمية لانه في الكثير من الأحيان ترسل نسخة من الرسالة الى المناجرة و المدير العام ، لذا وجب علينا تعلم كتابة رسالة اليكترونية رسمية. في هذا الموضوع إرتأيت أن أقدم بين أيديكم طريقة مثالية لتعلم كتابة مثل هذه المراسلات . فالله نسال حسن النية و تعميم الفائدة .

First: How to write a formal emails

Second:Notes on writing emails

Do not write in capitals because it looks as if you are SHOUTING

You can use *asterisks* to emphasise something important Please note there is* no* meeting today
Use _underscores_ for titles or something you want to underline- Slashes/ can be used around a word or phrase that you want to put in italics-

Third:Internet Abbreviation and Smileys
In email and other computer applications (for example chat rooms) people also use unusual kinds of English. Internet abbreviations are sometimes used, taking thefirst letter from longer phrases: Emoticons or ‘smileys’ are also common. These are punctuation marks used to show your feelings. Here are some examples


Fourth:Text messages

Text messages are short written messages between mobile phones. Text messaging is sometimes called

SMS (short messaging service). Because it takes a long time to type in full words, text messages often contain abbreviations

>>> B
>>> U
>>> C
to/ too
>>> 2
>>> @
See you at seven
>>> CU@7
>>> R
How are you
>>> How RU
>>> 4
>>> txt
>>> msg
>>> b4
>>> 2day
>>> gr8
>>> l8r

