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wish case Grammer 2024.

  • بواسطة

FORMAL to want to do something

I wish to see the manager right now!

To hope or express hope for another person’s success or happiness or pleasure on a particular occasion

.I wish you all the best

We wish you every success in the future. I wish you a Merry Eid

Expressing sth that is contrary to a present fact

.I wish she were here

I wish she weren‘t so stupid

Expressing sth that is contrary to a past fact

I wish she had gone to the movies with me

. I wish she hadn‘t broken up with me

Expressing sth that is probably contrary to a future fact. Used to express annoyance with someone’s behavior

I wish she would call me tonight

I wish she wouldn‘t get angry at me

I wish she’d shut up for a moment and let someone else speak


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