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Exclamatory Structures صيغ التعجب 2024.

تُستَخدم صيغُ التعجب للتعبير عن الدهشة والصدمة والخوف والغضب والإعجاب … الخ
What +(a/an) + (adjective) + noun

ex; What (a) (nice) dress!

How + adjective / adverb (+subject +verb)
How + adjective + a / an + noun

ex; How sad they look!
ex; How gorgeous a dress!

How + subject + verb

ex; How they shouted!

…such + (a /an) + (adjective) + noun

ex; I never seen such a beautiful house.

… so + adjective + a /an + noun
…so +adjective /adverb

ex; It is so big a house!
ex; They are so bad!

Negative question

ex; Isn’t that dangerous?

Here / there + verb + noun
Here/ There + pronoun + verb

ex; Here dance the children.
ex; There they sing!

You + (adjective) + noun

ex; You (noisy) student!

تُستخدم علامة التعجب عوضا عن علامة السؤال


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