تخطى إلى المحتوى

Emphatic sentence الجملة التأكيدية 2024.

It is / was …+ that / who(m)

Muna gave Sarah the book to study yesterday.

يمكن للعبارة التي في الأعلى أن تُكتَب بعدة طرق مُعتَمِداً في ذلك على الجُزْء المُراد التأكيد عليه

ex; It was Muna that gave Sarah the book to study yesterday.
ex; It was the book that Muna gave Sarah to study yesterday.
ex; It was Sarah that Muna gave the book to study yesterday.
ex; It was to study that Muna gave Sarah the book yesterday.
ex; It was yesterday that Muna gave Sarah the book to study.

تم وضع خط تحت المعلومة المراد التأكيد عليها
That is/ was + question word + subject + verb
للتأكيد على المعنى when استخدمت كلمة السؤال
Question word + subject + verb + is / was

ex; When she stood for herself was a brave action

Subject + do/does/did + bare verb.

ex; She does wash her laundry.

Is / was it …+ that / who(m)

ex; Is it your dog that bit the cat?
ex; Is it your sister whom I met?

Question word + ever

ex; Whoever paid the bill ?

– Is / was that + question word + subject + verb…?

ex; Is that where you left your car?

Question word + is/ was it that + subject + verb…?

ex; When is it that you met her?


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