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إزالة طلاء الأظافر سهلة لي 2024.

إزالة طلاء الأظافر سهلة لي

1. nail polish remover
2. cotton pads
3. foil
4. scissors
5. cuticle cream


So obviously you also need your nails with a nail polish on 😀 (I have Nubar Petunia Sparkle)


Take one cotton pad and cut it into half (or even on quarters…what you like more). Put you nail polish remover on the pad and the place then pad on your nail:


Cut the foil into smaller pieces and wrap it around your finger with the cotton pad and remover:


Now do the exact same thing on all your fingers. Then leave the foil on for about 15mins (go watch TV, read a book, just relax):


After 15 minutes remove the foil and cotton pad. All your polish will be on the pad and your nail is clean. Effortless 🙂


Now because soaking your fingers 15minutes in a nail polish remover isn´t very good for your cuticles (they will be dry) put on your favourite cuticle cream 🙂 I like Lush Lemony Flutter and Burt’s Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream.

So this is it…nothing copmlicated. It is very simple 🙂 Now tell me…what is your favourite polish and how do you remove it?

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