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اكثر الاخطاء شيوعا فى اللغة الانجليزية 2024.

  • بواسطة

اكثر الاخطاء شيوعا فى اللغة الانجليزية

1- We say: Accuse of, not accuse for

بمعنى : اتهم بـ

Example: He accused the man of stealing

NOT: He accused the man for stealing

2- We say: Aim at not Aim on or against

بمعنى صوب على

Example: He aimed at the bird

NOT : He aimed on (against) the bird

3- We say: Anxious about not Anxious for

بمعنى قلق على

Example : They are anxious about his health

NOT : They are anxious for his health

4- We say: Benefit by, not Benefit from

بمعنى استفاد من

Example: She has benefited by the change

NOT: She has benefited from the change

5- We say: Accustomed to not Accustomed with

بمعنى معتاد على

Example: I am accustomed to hot weather

NOT: I am accustomed with hot weather

6- We say: Congratulate on not Congratulate for

بمعنى يهنئ على

Example: I congratulate you on your success

NOT: I congratulate you for your success

7-We say: Different from , not Different than

بمعنى يختلف عن

Example: My book is different from yours

NOT: My book is different than yours

8- We say: Depend on or upon , not Depend from

بمعنى يعتمد على

Example: It depends on (upon) himself

NOT: It depends from himself

9- Disappointed in , not Disappointed from

بمعنى احبط بسبب

Example: I was disappointed in his work

NOT : I was disappointed from

10- We say : Covered with, not Covered by

بمعنى مغطى بـ

Example : The mountains are covered with snow

NOT: The mountains are covered by snow

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